By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
The FDA just approved CoolSculpting’s new applicator for the thighs. This new handpiece does not use a vacuum and custom-conforms to your contours. This makes it a perfect solution for saddlebags – which are notoriously difficult to treat.

Easily trim down those areas that have been impossible to camouflage. Each area requires a one hour cooling session. This begins the process of cryolipolysis – which in everyday terms essentially means destruction of fat with cold.
CoolSculpting has applicators for all the body parts that have a tendency to hold onto fat. From bra rolls to muffin tops to love handles to upper arms and now thighs, you can custom sculpt your body without liposuction or surgery.
Contact us at La Jolla Cosmetic Laser Clinic for a complimentary consultation with our Certified CoolSculpting team.